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Re: Errors after Swarm install on LinuxPPC

From: Darren Schreiber
Subject: Re: Errors after Swarm install on LinuxPPC
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2001 19:08:22 -0800

Ok... my understanding is that the stddef.h and other missing files were in the glibc-devel package. I downloaded these files and installed them using the commands below. I also tried to update gdb. I just downloaded a newer xxgdb rpm and will install it next.

I tried compiling (logged in as a user - I usually don't do anything but install as root) and got the same set of errors as before.

Ralf mentioned that I need to use an include command in configuring. I am not sure what that syntax (or even better, the exact phrasing) would be.

So, what is correct commands that I should have been using to install glibc-devel (did I not install it in the right place?) and/or how do I tell swarm where the stddef.h and other files are?

Thanks in advance for suffering through my stumbling attempts to learn just enough Linux to use Swarm.



address@hidden macos]# rpm -e glibc-devel-2.1.1-6c address@hidden macos]# ls -l glib*.* -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8281828 Jan 22 12:25 glibc-devel-2.1.3-15f.ppc.rpm address@hidden macos]# rpm -iv glibc-devel-2.1.3-15f.ppc.rpm
glibc-devel-2.1.3-15f address@hidden macos]#
address@hidden macos]# rpm -e gdb error: removing these packages would break dependencies:
        gdb is needed by xxgdb-1.12-10
address@hidden macos]# rpm -e xxgdb-1.12-10
address@hidden macos]# rpm -e gdb address@hidden macos]# rpm -iv gdb-5.0-5.ppc.rpm
address@hidden macos]
address@hidden macos]# rpm -e swarm
address@hidden macos]# rpm -iv swarm-2.1.27-1.rh6.ppc.rpm
address@hidden macos]# su darren

 >>>>> "DS" == Darren Schreiber <address@hidden> writes:

DS> stddef.h: No such file or directory


DS> address@hidden Cocktail1.00.1]# make -k

One day something bad will happen and you'll regret using root for

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                 Darren Schreiber
                  Attorney at Law
                 Graduate Student
             Political Science, UCLA

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