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Re: [Dvdrtools-users] unable to write dvd-r with linux kernel 1.6

From: Volker Kuhlmann
Subject: Re: [Dvdrtools-users] unable to write dvd-r with linux kernel 1.6
Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 12:31:39 +1200

Hi Brian,

> CDRecord has some excellent end-media format compatibility marks for it.

I'm afraid I'm not sure what you mean by this. Whether a drive can burn
media X is determined by the drive and its firmware, not the Linux
burning program.

The tables of known DVD manufacturers of ATIP info in cdrecordhacks are
basically empty. In other words it never tells me anything about the
media manufacturer. (Neither does growisofs.)

> Is this more Sony/Philips DVD+R viewpoints?  (I'm trying to remember back?).
> Of course if you use Sony/Philips drives, you're going to _favor_ growisofs.
> But if you use DVD Consortium standard drives, CDRecord+DVDPatch works
> most excellent -- very reliable, and very end-player compatible.

I use -R and +R about equally often, though favour +RW over -RW because
it's more user-friendly and versatile. All just work. I don't give a
toss about the DVD Consortiums standard religion resp religion
standards. I prefer to only have to touch one piece of software, which
is a k.o. for the older hacks.

Judging by the number of problems on cdwrite about growisofs, I doubt
it's any less burner-compatible than cdrecordhacks for -R, but more so
for +R.

> If you are using Sony/Philips drives, you're going to tend to favor growisofs.

Actually I have a Pioneer burner, but personal statistics aren't big
enough to be too meaningful. That said, growisofs has yet to fail me
(and I use all 4 formats).

> But that doesn't mean CDRecord is "inferior" for those of us with DVD
> Consortium drives.

As I said, if it works, use it. Overall it remains inferior though:
trouble with +R, I see quite a bit of SCSI trouble popping up, no
technical or bugfix support from anyone, nothing it does which growisofs
doesn't do as well. Of course, there's nothing wrong with using an
inferior product if it works(!) and does all you need/want to do or can
do with your burner. If it doesn't work, the hint to use something else
is justified IMHO, esp in the absence of any other support.

> So be careful as your drive preference defines a lot of your software
> preference.

No personal drive preference - I want everything ;) for maximum
flexibility. I'd have to be stupid to buy a burner which doesn't do both
+ and -. Is it even possible any more?


Volker Kuhlmann                 is possibly list0570 with the domain in header
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