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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Undo the fork ...

From: Onno Kortmann
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Undo the fork ...
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 20:16:28 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090707)


I'll try to answer several issues in this post here. Unfortunately, this is mostly about code management issues, so Eric, I'll prove you exactly right in this post :-)

Just leave the historic simulavr directory as is then, so you don't
have to take care about it (and its history) in the new rep.
Ok, lets do it that way!

If there is no problem in keeping CVS and git in parallel on savannah, lets have CVS with the old code and the new code remove and the git with the C++ version only. To avoid confusion, Thomas and I will make sure that the old-cvs stuff will not be pushed into savannah git to avoid confusion for people checking the code out.
One question for that step is, what version should I set, in the
moment we have set in our fork "0.10rc1", but I'm not fixed on
that. Proposals welcome!

As the legacy simulavr had a version number 0.1.xx, I'd suggest to
start with something substantial higher than that, at least 0.5.  That
way, automatic version checks will recognize it as something more
recent than 0.1.xx.

But then, why not simply start with a 1.0?  Klaus' last simulavrxx
releases he did were already labelled 0.8.x, so it would seem logical
to have something more.  I'd encourage you to finally start with
version 1. ;-)
Ok, to get ahead, I would then strongly propose (which means: Say NONONO or I or Thomas _WILL_ do it!) the following: We use the code that makes up _CVS_ HEAD (but in git of course) and call it the 'stable' branch and give it 1.0rc0. Only important bug fixes will be put on top of that until everyone agrees for a release. This should make those people happy who want to avoid the API changes but does not hinder TomK & me at throwing things around a bit more.

The 'master' branch will be used for Thomas and my changes (will be moved as is from avrs) and will one day make up the next stable stuff. Yes, the changes are large, but as I promised *I will show you how to get to any of the old code* if you want to.

Regarding 'incomplete extra features', such as my still incomplete factory code (to generate devices from the .xml files, due to Thomas changes, it suffered some bitrot lately), the slightly unmaintained TCL interface and all bits of cruft that are still in the current code base:

I would propose here that we simply keep such things in the repository until there is 100% consensus that they have to be removed. But at the same time, everyone that still wants to use such a half-maintainted feature has to make sure that it does not interfere with the build process of the most recent development version (that one in master). This should hopefully address Petr's objection (which I can clearly see, btw). It should also be as loosely coupled to the rest of the build as possible. For my factory, this means some changes in src/, and removal of the src/fab directory to completely remove it. It did not look into it too much, but suspect it to be about the same for the TCL interface. And, the ones who want to use it/develop it whatever get the responsibility to keep up with the devel branch and not the other way around if at all possible. Meaning that _I_ am responsible to get my xml-fab working again or that Joel and anyone else that uses TCL needs to take care about reflecting any API changes into TCL. This should also give an incentive to keep the set of interfaces exported to python/TCL as small as possible.

Regarding the web interface, well, I think that Thomas is much more knowledgeable about it and if possible, I'll stay away from the set up of that :-)

Best regards,


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