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Re: [Adonthell-devel] Gentlemen, start your Windows!

From: Alexandre Courbot
Subject: Re: [Adonthell-devel] Gentlemen, start your Windows!
Date: 21 Apr 2002 20:04:46 +0200


Finally got the Python 2.2 Windows binary distribution, installed it
with WineX (which really rocks, btw), and finally managed to build my
mingw32 import library. Compiled, linked. Crash. Included the msvcrt.dll
and msvcirt.dll that came with the Python distribution. Works. Works
even much better than the previous binaries, which took ages to load,
contrary to this one. The good thing, is that the .cc and .h files are
directly taken from the Road_to_0.4 branch. No other modification.

A funny fact (if I may say so... :)) is that the PNM loading function
was buggy right after including this msvcrt.dll. Well, this time it took
less than one week to realise the PNM loading function were opening the
files with the "r" flag instead of "rb"! ;)

But, hey. It worked with WineX, which doesn't mean yet it will work with
Windows. So if you have access to Windows, please get and test the two
binaries. Just double clicking should be enough to get them to work, and
I need many success reports to consider them to work. I for myself will
be able to test them tomorrow too.

But still! WOOOT! WOOOOOOT! :)

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