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Re: [Simulavr-devel] test mechanism

From: Thomas Klepp
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] test mechanism
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 19:36:26 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Hello Michael,

It's not obvious to me that the IOReg way is better.
I'll do some reading before making a more definitive statement.

The best variant is, to look into code, of course. :-) IOReg vs. the old solution with extra classes derived from RWMemoryMember is, that you havn't to write extra classes for every register (and get maybe namespace collisions, if you have to modify a special hardware unit with the same names, but different function)

What are the other important differences between the CVS and git versions?

What more? There is the verilog extension, but you'll not get it, if you havn't verilog installed and enabled. That's a extension like the python module, it dosn't modify the core code. I have rewritten timer code, that's a big block. Now all available devices have full timer support. In the moment I write tests for timers and maybe there are some things, which have to make better or (hopefully not) bugs.

Then, there is a feature to write VCD-traces while simulation is running. I use that for example for timertests. Look at regress/timertest. This runs a simple AVR test program in simulavr and writes out a vcd file. This will be analysed in a python unittest. If you go to regress/timertest and run "make check", you can see that in action. If you have installed gtkwave, then you could view the traced data, for example, see, when a interrupt is started an how long it runs, how the timer counter changes, look at the ports, how they are changed by ocr output generators from timer and so one. This is now also multi core ready. (but simulavr supports current only one core, for that it's necessary to use the python module)

And, if enabled on running configure, a doxygen docu will be generated, if you run "make doxygen-doc".

I hope, that I havn't forgot anything. :-)

Then from my point of view, your git repo.

In the next days I'll update Onno's repo. If you can wait a few days, then you can clone from Onno's repo. This has the advantage, that you havn't later to change the config in your local clone to pull/push from/to the right repo. (but it's not really hard to change the config, there is only one URL to change)

cu, Thomas

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