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Re: [Simulavr-devel] test mechanism

From: Thomas Klepp
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] test mechanism
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 2009 20:26:37 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Hi Michael,

now I have time to answer.

I thought it was something like that.
I'd inferred that methods that referred to
"non-existent" methods would need similar treatment.

This problem, that SWIG dosn't "translate" some operator methods comes from, how SWIG creates interfaces. All class methods, which SWIG found will be encapsulated in just normal C functions. And, for example for python, this functions will be collected in tables, which represent on python side for example a class. That SWIG now can't "translate" some methods is because this mechanism. A translation function itself can handle operator methods like a assignment. So it's no danger for malfunctions because of not translated operator methods. It's only, that such operator functions couldn't translated.

In any case, the more general questions are what is to be development
protocol and will it change while I am working on something messy.

Yes, that's really a question. But I can't answer this. Nobody from sinulavr maintainers has given a statement, what's the way to future. Stay on CVS, maybe backport changes from git (but this is now a lot of changes) or switch to git or whatelse.

My question points to that, that in git repo we use a derived class from RWMemoryMember, called IOReg. Your code would work too for registers,

This is different from the CVS version?

Yes, IOReg gives a connection between hardware units and rw memory array. Before you had external RWMemoryMember classes, which connect memory array to hardware unit. Now IOReg registers are member of the hardware units.

Before it was (for example):

rw[0x63] = new RWPin(this, portg);

Now it's coded as:

rw[0x63] = &portg->pin_reg;

I think, this idea from Onno is easier to understand and easier for changes and maintainance.

I made sbi and cbi virtual so they could be overridden.

Whose git repo is "git repo"?

Yep, also a good question. :-) My repo is a fork of Onno's, but we have agreed, that's not a good idea to have more than one. The most of reasons are connected, how this forks can be synchronized, the best is, to get it fully synchronized. But for that it's not necessary to have forks. But Onno is busy with other things and so I have made some development on my fork. The plan is, if Onno have time, to sync my fork to Onno's repo and then to delete my fork. In the moment, my master branch is younger (and more current) than Onno's.

I expect to need to use git eventually,
so what is the best way to make progress?

The easiest starting point for you (in my opinion) would be: install git, pull (for example) my master branch with "git clone" (see "git help clone" for help). So you get a workarea and a view what's happen here. bootstrap, configure and make work as usual (for you it's necessary to give configure also the option --enable-python to get the python interface too) I have tried to describe something, how to use git, see the wiki on my repo site.

For your own changes it's the best to make your own development branch, starting from master branch. So (and if you don't push this branch to an remote repo) you get a private branch for your changes. Later it's possible, to merge back your chnages to master branch or to pack a patchbomb of your changes to send it by mail, to sync new changes on master (after "git pull master") to your private branch and so one. And of course, you can delete also branches, if you want. :-)

And because git don't need a server, you can try all operations before on local clones of a repo. (just to try or to learn more about git, I have made it also in this way).

cu, Thomas

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