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[Fsfe-uk] Happened, happening, needing to happen

From: MJ Ray
Subject: [Fsfe-uk] Happened, happening, needing to happen
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 01:06:29 +0000

Okayyyyy.... welcome to the email list list email :)

Happened: we signed the constitution on Thursday.  The only change from the
version currently on the web is the consistent capitalisation of "Free
Software" in line with FSFE marketing ideas (is that right?) and the
addition of date and signatures.


 - I'm arranging a bank account with the co-op for now so that we
have somewhere to put money.

 - Alex is updating the web site (I hope).

 - Richard Smedly (I think) has offered to proof and edit the press release
(which I may take a quick crack at a first draft of in a few minutes).

 - The others present offered as yet unspecified assistance.

 - Hopefully people are still trying to make sense of the standing orders so
that they are cleaned up and we may adopt them.

 - I'm trying to remember what John Seago researched about conference-call
meetings and if there's something I'm supposed to be doing about it.

 - I'm whinging at people to *PLEASE* write my name as "MJ Ray" and nothing
else, or else!  I never write it any other way.

Needing to happen:

 - up to you, ultimately.  Pick a task and pitch in, but please keep us
informed.  No-one but committee may speak in the name of AFFS, but all may
help AFFS.  Some obvious tasks are those listed on mine or nessie's page for
the web site.

 - More people to send to the list changes on the response papers to the
government (I think there's still time) at
http://www.alexhudson.com/Documents/ (bad person... capitals in URL?)

 - More people to be co-opted onto the initial committee (only later ones
are elected), which I believe currently consists of two, so we shouldn't do
anything else before correcting that.  Personally, I would rather give
priority to anyone who was at the Aston meeting who wishes to put themselves
forward, then people who I know from elsewhere and finally people who can
convince me of their support from their involvement in other projects.  I am
not the only one who has to agree, though.

 - My next actions will be to get a press release and advert put together
(in that order), but I really need a good vector edition of the logo (my
suggestion is similar to the current nessie one, but with more
shuriken-blade-like S in the background in a different colour).

 - Then I'll put together a membership form and ask people to send it with
payment to AFFS at Luminas's office, as soon as the bank account is up.

 - Me to move my web site to somewhere I can upload to.

OK?  We've lit the blue touchpaper... now let's get this rocket flying!

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