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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: can you help me with some formatting issues

From: pll+ew
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: can you help me with some formatting issues
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 10:07:29 -0500

>>>>> On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, "Joe" == Joe Corneli wrote:

  Joe> I guess I was hoping for something more like a traditional
  Joe> manual.

>>>>> On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, "fouvry" == address@hidden wrote:

  fouvry> A manual would be quite helpful, yes.  I found it quite hard
  fouvry> to get into understanding how it should be used (I persisted
  fouvry> because it sounded interesting.

I'll second fouvry on this :) I found the existing docs for emacs-wiki
and planner-mode to be somewhat lacking and less than intuitive for
someone just starting out.

Actually using the modes isn't difficult, but my experience with 
Wiki's in general are via a web-only interface which pretty much 
provides you with a definite "starting point".  From the main wiki 
page you can then kind of carve out your own area of the wiki.

The thing that most attracts me to emacs-wiki is that I tend to write 
a lot of documentation (I'm a sysadmin) for my networks and systems.
The consumers of this documentation vary drastically from "user docs"
to "sysadmin docs" to even "just-for-me docs".  As a result, the
top of each doc directory might be in a completely different place.

Were I to be doing this in tradition wikis, I would have completely 
separate wikis set up, possibly on completely different web servers.

I found the initial idea of emacs-wiki enticing because now I could 
write interconnected docs without resorting to writing html :)
However, I couldn't find where to "begin".  IOW, where/how do I set 
the 'top' of my wiki, and how do I do things like publish them to 

Some of this can be gleaned either by reading the available info 
docs, but there was some stuff I couldn't figure out even looking at 
the list code (which, I admit, I'm no good at reading anyway :)

So, a manual, or even a wiki on how to get started with and use 
emacs-wiki and planner modes would be most welcome, especially if it 
could compare the use of a traditional wiki with how you would 
accomplish things using emacs-wiki.

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