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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: can you help me with some formatting issues

From: fouvry+emacs-wiki
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] Re: can you help me with some formatting issues
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 15:07:18 +0100 (CET)


| I think it would be nice if `mailto:' (as in your second example)
| automatically rewrote the link lable as I have it by hand above.
| This might just be personal preference.


| Well, it is tedious to have to write many variations on
|  [[Web_Authoring][Web Authoring]]


I think one should be careful when "extending" the Wiki notation
(if there is such a thing).  If you push it too far, you'll end
up with something like HTML, and that's been invented already
;-).  Wikis are limited and therefore simple (or should be simple
and are therefore limited).

IMO the best way to work with spaces in a link is to first write
a short version, e.g. with an underscore, and expand that with a
preprocessor into a standard link.

| Not really quite what I had in mind, though of course there's no
| reason it couldn't evolve the way I was thinking.  I guess I was
| hoping for something more like a traditional manual.  A discussion
| of how to use httpd-serve (and an up-to-date link) would be
| especially nice. (I'm not saying I necessarily would use
| httpd-serve, but would at least like to take a look at the info page
| and the code.)

A manual would be quite helpful, yes.  I found it quite hard to
get into understanding how it should be used (I persisted because
it sounded interesting.


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