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[Simulavr-devel] git repo: ready for go

From: ThomasK
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] git repo: ready for go
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 13:37:49 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20100317)

Hi @all,

I've now reverted changes, which rename simulavr to avrs. This means, that code in git repo should now ready for further work.

And I've set version to 1.0rc0.

How to get it/use it:

- at first, you need git, of course, you can try on terminal "git help", if this works, you have already git installed. If not, please use your package management. On Ubuntu, for example, you need package git-core. But it's a good idea, to install also git-gui and gitk packages

- if you want to develop on git repo, you need a ssh key. For that, there is a description, how to do that: You have to wait (like it's written in this webpage) a little bit, if you have newly configured a key! You don't need a key, if you don't want to push back changes!

- clone the repo! If you want to get a read only access, then you clone it with: "git clone git://", this will create your cloned repo in simulavr directory. If you want to get a read write clone (for that you need the ssh key!), then clone it with: "git clone ssh://address@hidden:/srv/git/simulavr.git" where LOGIN is YOUR savannah login name!

- in your cloned repo you have now one branch - the master branch. You can check it with: "git branch"

- go to your cloned repo and set your name and email, this will be used on commiting changes! "git config YOURNAME" and "git config YOURMAIL". Now you are ready to work with it.

- to pull changes from simulavr repo, you have to type: "git pull", if you want to upload your commited changes, you have to type "git push", this will push all new changes from your repo to simulavr repo, but only changes, which are commited on master branch.

- to check, what's changes in your repo onto your current branch, you can type "gitk", this is a type of log viewer (and as Petr wrote, a little bit awful! :-) ) You an simply review made changes with that.

- how to commit changes: please read the good documentation from git project. In short: git use the concept of stages, means: you have to declare, what changes are necessary for a commit! Type "git status", this will show you untracked changes and such changes (if exist), which are "on stage". "git status" will assist you, how to proceed with your changes, to bring it on stage and back. After you have checked your changes and put it all on stage, then you can commit it: "git commit ...". With the command "git gui" you get a gui for all of that.

Ok, so far for now. cu, Thomas

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