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automatic decode mime in repl

From: Philipp Takacs
Subject: automatic decode mime in repl
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2022 16:53:56 +0100


Reply to mime messages is an old problem. I have an idea to workaround
or fix this. Instand of adding mime to mhl, repl could also first decode
mime before pipe the mail to mhl. This can be done by mhshow.

I have attached a patch for this.

This approatch has currently two problems:

* mhshow can be configured to display parts in a graphical programm. This
  can lead to unexpected behavior on repl (i.e. start plaing musik).

I belive there are two options to fixed this problem. First the -textonly
swtich can be used. In some probably uncommon setups (i.e. text to speech)
this still can lead to problems.

The secound option is a bit more complex. Instand of only depending on
the programm name the config can be extended to also depend on the
calling programm. So you can config diffrent options depending on which
nmh programm called another nmh programm. This could be done by (ab)using

* mhshow display string can contain '%l' which leads to a listing prior
  to displaying content. This listing is contained in the draft.

To fix this I would suggest to remove the '%l' from the display string
escapes and create a switch for that. Then you can't enable/disable this
per part.

What do you think about this patch? Did I missed some problems?


Attachment: 0001-repl-pipe-mail-through-mhshow.patch
Description: 0001-repl-pipe-mail-through-mhshow.patch

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