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Re: [Koha-devel] Koha Foundation

From: Andres Tarallo
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Koha Foundation
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 21:03:15 -0300
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Joshua Ferraro wrote:
> Well, opting to join another group would be one way to go but
> for the kinds of things I'd like the Koha Foundation to do it
> probably wouldn't be ideal. For instance, it'd be neat if we
> had a collaborative record-sharing system for Koha libraries
> that they could subscribe too (nominal fee just to keep it going),
> submit records to and use records from other libraries. 
This would be nice, but I don't see that this couldn't be done under the
umbrella of a bigger fundation.
> That would
> be much easier to set up with an organization that _we_ were 
> running so that _we_ could make purchase decisions, etc.
> Also, I'd really like to go after some grant money -- at least
> in the US, there are lots of non-profit grants available for
> library projects that could really help us out in finding
> resources for development projects. 
Hmmm. .. Here in latin america libraries are like cinderella, the parent
you hide in the cellar. Everyone agrees that are important but when
investment is needed  is dificult to find may. Apart from that there's a
strong marriage between libraries, UNESCO an CDS-ISIS (and his
derivatives).  Maybe for develoers in developed countries this is usefull


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