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Re: [Koha-devel] Koha Foundation

From: Pierrick LE GALL
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Koha Foundation
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 09:09:01 +0200

On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 21:31:36 +0200
Paul POULAIN <address@hidden> wrote:

> The problem being that I don't know any librarian foundation that is 
> related to computer questions. Thus the idea to create something new !

Maybe one more reformulation would be useful : you want to consolidate
a user community more than a techy community.

If we want to give chances to a user community, I'm not so sure we need
a "foundation". We need more user oriented tools:

- a bulletin board forum instead of a mailing-list. I ask you to be
honnest : mailing-list are fine for developers, not for users.

- a user oriented fancier wiki, with "tips and tricks", "use cases",
details on how works a functionnality.

- an extension manager writable for users (optionnaly moderated) were
they would share their templates and translations

This is my vision of how we could improve users involvement.


Pierrick LE GALL
INEO media system

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