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Re: Automatically authenticating at local imap server

From: David
Subject: Re: Automatically authenticating at local imap server
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:53:24 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

Tassilo Horn <> writes:
>> (the problem here is that the user might index several different mail
>> back ends with one mairix installation).
> Well, those could split their indexing stuff in a per-backend basis
> using several mairixrcs and databases.  

They could, but they shouldn't have to. ;-) It should also be possible
to identify the backend from the path through the server variables, at
least for nnml and nnmaildir (and therefore for nnimap as the remaining

> Then they probably need some wrappers around the nnmairix interface
> functions so that they use the correct mairixrc/database for the
> current backend.

Actually, nnmairix does that already. If it cannot be determined which
mairix installation is "responsible" for the current backend, the user
is asked and this information is saved in the group parameters.

>> Jumping to the original message in this group is another problem since
>> we only know the message-id but not the article number. nnmaildir and
>> nnml support fetching articles by message-id, but AFAIK nnimap does
>> not.
> It does, but only on a per-group basis.  But because we already know the
> group from the path mairix gives us, we can enter the group and use
> ,----[ C-h f gnus-summary-refer-article RET ]
> | gnus-summary-refer-article is an interactive compiled Lisp function in 
> `gnus-sum.el'.
> | (gnus-summary-refer-article message-id)
> | 
> | Fetch an article specified by message-id.
> `----

Ah, OK. I only tried nnimap-retrieve-headers with a message-id and it
didn't work.

> But how about group parameters?  I use a lot gcc-self and stuff, so
> jumping to the original group seems to be the better approach. 

Yes, I haven't thought of that.


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