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Re: Strangeness with speed

From: Владимир Калачихин
Subject: Re: Strangeness with speed
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2022 15:32:54 +0300
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.5.0

Ok, some resume:
If NMEA input has GGA only - the gpsd doesn't try to calculate speed. No speed in JSON. If NMEA input has GGA only - the gpsd ignore such mismatch as the same time in several sentences. Both in the past and now.

If NMEA input has RMC only - the gpsd ignore such mismatch as the same time in several sentences. Both in the past and now. The speed is present in JSON.

If NMEA input has GGA and RMC - the gpsd ignore such mismatch as the same time in several sentences in the past. In JSON is present speed from RMC.

If NMEA input has GGA and RMC sentences and at the current time has such mismatch as the same time in several sentences - for every GGA with the same time as previous the gpsd returns JSON with speed == 0.

If we will consider the first behavior as normal - the last behavior is strange. The normal will be ignore a mismatch such as in previous cases.

Владимир Калачихин

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