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Re: gnuherds development

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: gnuherds development
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2008 21:18:35 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.7

Duarte Loreto wrote:
> > 1) What do you think about Gnuherds?

> > 2) What do you expect from this project?
> Replying to the two in one, since I can't separate what I think from what I
> expect.
> I think it is too ambitious. It is aiming a very high goal that I'm not
> sure will be archiavable without support by a major OSS company or entity
> backing, which probably colides with the democratic statute.

People is the main point, so the democratic association.

GNU Herds is a tool, as any software. I hope we finish the current tasks so 
that I can begin to explore the new features.

> Since FSF/RMS are showing incoherent and contraditory messages towards
> the project, my guess is that it will be a proof of concept or, at most,
> a niche hub to link small donators with small projects looking for funds.

It is a pity FSF/RMS has failed at this! Anyway the FSF is lending as a hand 
with the project hosting.

> Take into consideration that I'm not very optimistic by nature and that may
> hinder my capability to see the project's future. 10 years ago I never
> expected to see OSS being used so much in companies as I currently see...

GNU Herds can evolve following several paths.

> 3) How would you like to contribute?
> I started by being the Portuguese translator and I believe I'll remain
> doing that task as best as I know.

Thank you for all your work Duarte!

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