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Re: [glob2-devel] globulation graphic

From: Stéphane Magnenat
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] globulation graphic
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 19:07:00 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.11.0 (Linux/2.6.27-11-generic; KDE/4.1.96; x86_64; ; )


Thank you for these nice graphics. I will answer the question you've asked me 
there so that other people are aware of it.

> problem is, i can send you the graphic i've done, but for keep working on
> it (like some more core stuff) i should have the current version of the
> game from the mercurial too... and i dont have any idea of how it works^^
> i just need the "update everything" command and the "upload the graphic
> file command"

Is it ok for you to compile the game? If so, even if you do not want to get 
into mercurial, you can still have an up-to-date copy so that you can play 
with latest features.

About your graphics: in general I like them very much :-)
The quality is much better than what we have now, in particular for the 
terrain. On some details, I am a bit worried that it looks too much "high-
tech" and not enough globulo-steam-punkish, but this is a matter of taste that 
we can talk about. For instance, the new wall looks absolutely great, but it 
looks very stonish/metalic albeit it is purely made of wood. The old one had 
the woodish glue style. Maybe we can add a new wall for higher level and use 
your for this while keeping the old one for level one.

What does the community thinks about it?

Now to reply to your questions:

> 1 since i worked out the animated seamlessness of the cleaning and defending 
> areas so it shows moving lines, is it posible to rise the number of frames
> to 16? 8 moves a bit too fast and it's quite disturbing.

I guess you didn't liked the original ones for this? What does the community 
thinks about the new ones?

Anyway I have patch the latest version of the default branch to adapt the 
amount of animation steps to the different areas. To do so, I have splitted the 
areas in different named graphics, they are now named: area-clearing, area-
forbidden, area-guard

> 2 the main interface needs to be structured, it may look nice now,
> but it's just messy^^

Feel free to suggest a new structure :-)

I have to go now, I will go through the other points later.

Thank you for your contributions, have a nice day,



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