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Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc hangs on XP.

From: Preston Wilson
Subject: Re: [avr-gcc-list] avr-gcc hangs on XP.
Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 23:12:39 -0400
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/

What version of avr-gcc/WinAVR are you using?

What version of Cygwin are you running? ($ uname -a)

Are you compiling to and from a local file system or are you building over a
networked file system (SMB, NFS, AFS, ...)? If you are building over a
networked file system, have you tried compiling with everything on a local
file system?

Is the file you are compiling open in another program?

Is the problem with a specific file or all files that you try to compile?

What is the command line used to compile the file(s) when the hang happens?

If you using the -M option(s) to generate dependencies, have you tried
compiling without -M and its friends?

Have you tried to compile the file from the command line (outside of make)?

Have you tried compiling an empty file?
(Or ifdef out all of the code in the file where the hang happens.)

Create an empty file (contains a single new line) xxx.c and run

$ avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmega16 -Os -Wall -o xxx.o xxx.c

$ ls -l xxx.o
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pwilson None 657 May 16 22:51 xxx.o

$ od -c xxx.c
0000000  \n

If the problem goes away when you ifdef out all of the code, add in sections
of code a small bit at a time to narrow down where the problem is happening.


"edSteve" wrote:

> When I attempt to compile avr-gcc hangs --- forever.
> I've installed cygwin and WinAVR on Windows XP and "which" says that avr-gcc
> is located in /c/WinAVR/bin/avr-gcc.
> I'm using a relatively simple make file that runs fine under Linux (my
> preferred environment). My customer is a Windows house thus the need for
> WinAVR. I have a need for other tools which is why cygwin is also installed.
> I've tried invoking avr-gcc and it reports its version information fine but
> when I attempt to compile avr-gcc hangs. The include paths are all relative
> using -I../inc sort of paths. The system include paths are not specified
> (using default search rules which work fine on Linux).
> Any hints? Clues I should look for?
> Thanks
> Steve

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