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Re: [RP] Cameron's xinerama patch in CVS & Usability

From: Cameron Patrick
Subject: Re: [RP] Cameron's xinerama patch in CVS & Usability
Date: Fri Feb 27 21:14:00 2004
User-agent: Mutt/

Shawn Betts wrote:

| I don't think scrselect made it in. I applied your
| cjp-xinerama-4-cumulative.patch patch.

Okay.  So screens and scrselect aren't in.  (Just as well because the
patch I posted to the list for scrselect didn't quite work.)

| > BTW on a non-dual-head-related note, one thing I wouldn't mind seeing
| > in ratpoison would be the ability to force certain windows to go into
| > certain frames.  Then I could have a script set up a GIMP frame set
| > with one frame on the big monitor for the image and a few frames on
| > the smaller monitor for the toolbar and other misc windows.  I'd have
| > to think a bit more about the exact semantics of it though.
| Do you mean something like a 'pull' command? ie ':pull 2' would pull
| window 2 into the current frame. and ':pull 2 1' would pull window 2
| into frame 1?

No, not really.  I meant a way of giving a pattern to match a window,
then forcing new windows that matched that pattern to appear in a
particular.  And also perhaps limiting the windows that are scrolled
through with :next and :prev - though groups do this already, it seems
inconvenient as windows in other groups don't show up in C-t w and
can't be selected by number or C-t '.

In particular, I was thinking was that I could script something like

:scrselect 0
:bindwin name ^The GIMP$
:bindwin default
:bindwin role gimp-dock
:bindwin role gimp-file-open
:dedicate                       # only bound windows can live here
:scrselect 1
:bindwin role gimp-image-window

(Where 'role' and 'name' refer to the WM_WINDOW_ROLE and WM_NAME
properties, and 'bindwin default' is the equivalent or John's
spawn-select, specifying a default frame for new windows to appear in
if they don't match any other patterns.)  Then I could start GIMP, and
windows would automagically appear in the frames I wanted them to.
Cycling through windows with :next and :prev would ignore windows that
had been bound to another frame and selecting them with C-t N (for
integer N) would bring them up in the frame they were bound to.

Some may think that this is overkill and a non-ratpoison-ish thing to
do; I'm a bit dubious of it myself.  I'm pretty sure that Ion can do
something like this, though.  I should probably look at how its
equivalent works, I haven't used Ion for a while.


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