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Re: [RP] :dedicated-mode

From: John Meacham
Subject: Re: [RP] :dedicated-mode
Date: Fri Feb 27 14:23:02 2004
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.2i

This reminds me of a feature I have wanted for a while, A seperation of
'current frame' from 'spawning frame'. current frame has focus, and
spawning frame is where new windows appear. what I would like is a
single new command
'sselect' (or spawn-select) which works just like fselect except chooses
the spawning frame, in addition to typing the number of a frame you can
press 'b' to have them spawn in the background or 'c' to switch back to
it following the current frame.

This would totally be a great improvement as you could just set the
spawning frame to something other than the current frame and just keep
typing commands, and watching the progress in the spawning frame. 

it would be especially useful for doing X development. or when waiting
for something to load which likes to pop up lots of splash screens, yet
you want to watch the progress and not condemn it to the background


John Meacham - California Institute of Technology, Alum. - address@hidden

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