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Re: [RP] :dedicated-mode

From: Shawn Betts
Subject: Re: [RP] :dedicated-mode
Date: Fri Feb 27 20:15:39 2004
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

twb <address@hidden> writes:

> Quoth Cameron Patrick <address@hidden> on or about Fri, 27 Feb 2004 19:22:37 
> +0800:
> > BTW on a non-dual-head-related note, one thing I wouldn't mind seeing
> > in ratpoison would be the ability to force certain windows to go into
> > certain frames.  Then I could have a script set up a GIMP frame set
> > with one frame on the big monitor for the image and a few frames on
> > the smaller monitor for the toolbar and other misc windows.  I'd have
> > to think a bit more about the exact semantics of it though.
> Ooh! Ooh! They have this in emacs (in emacs-goodies-el).  It's called
> `dedicated' mode.  AFAICT (haven't tried it), you say :dedicate, and
> thenceforward the frame and buffer (window) are glued together and can
> only be changed manually (e.g. by :select -).
> You could probably lift most of it verbatim.

I remember a short thread a while back about having dedicated
frames. Basically they were immune to the 'only' command. I thot about
it for a while and decided it was good but never got around to coding

I'll make a vague commitment to looking into it again. I remember it
seemed useful for the emacs speedbar.


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