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Re: [H-source-users] changes to the h-node.org website

From: Michał Masłowski
Subject: Re: [H-source-users] changes to the h-node.org website
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 21:50:18 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.3 (gnu/linux)

> 3. The items that ship with proprietary software pre-installed (laptops and
> routers, not sure if there are other categories) should say something along
> the lines of
> =============================================================================
> This device ships with proprietary software pre-installed. It can be upgraded
> to free software, which is why it is listed on h-node.org.
> =============================================================================

This isn't necessarily true: not on all laptops users reporting them
have successfully installed a free operating system, implementations of
restricted boot might prevent it (e.g. in future when there will be ARM
systems supported by free distros).  The "can free operating systems be
installed?" field was added for this, so users know what laptops to
avoid.  Should the second sentence be shown only if this field is set to

There is no router category yet.  Would it be useful when such devices
need specific support from the distro running on them?

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