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Re: [Gzz] OrthoCoordsys???

From: Tuomas Lukka
Subject: Re: [Gzz] OrthoCoordsys???
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 08:23:23 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

> I *have* proposed this on the mailing list (in my July 5th report), as 
> mentioned in my first commit msg for this. I didn't get any replies to 
> this proposal, and therefore assumed that nobody's opposed to it. Now it 
> seems more like nobody seriously thought about it.

Ouch. It appears that I have completely missed that.
I apologize; it appears then that all this has been my fault.

Hmm... based on this:

Probably e-mail is the wrong medium for these, as it is so time-bound
and easy to ignore at times of stress.
Maybe we should do something like


to make sure all these get 1)noticed 2)commented on.

Also, if we use HTML, it would be easier to include images (and 
*especially*) UML to make sure others really understand the point.

> It has happened a few times before that I've sent something to the list 
> and didn't get any reply. This spring, this was the case with URI cell 
> ids (including the idea for an informal URN namespace IIRC). For a long 
> time I took the lack of any reaction to mean, nobody thinks this is 
> worth the time. Then at some point I decided it may also mean a lack of 
> opposition, and made a posting saying, "I'm gonna do this if nobody 
> speaks up against it." Nobody did, so I started the registration (and 
> now you even want to write an article about it).
> But now I find that in another case (this), the lack of reply indicates 
> that this has not been discussed enough beforehand to be actually 
> implemented.
> I do not see how I can work if a) I don't get replies to my proposals 
> and b) the meaning of those non-replies changes seemingly randomly. :(

The non-reply in both cases *might* mean the same thing: 

        "this text is not accessible enough for me at the present
        time in its present form"

But yes, obviously we need to do something about this.

The peps idea would give a place for the development of thoughts like
this. And force the proposals to make concrete what exactly would happen
if it were implemented.


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