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Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Current Status (and Wiki Performance)

From: Sam Geeraerts
Subject: Re: [Gnewsense-dev] Current Status (and Wiki Performance)
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 23:29:56 +0100

Op Mon, 26 Dec 2016 10:23:51 -0500
schreef dww <address@hidden>:

> Why then is MIRROR needed? If the repository is created and updated on
> the same machine as MIRRORLOCAL and then pushed to a public mirror
> cannot the script that does the update use MIRRORLOCAL directly as the
> path to the source and binaries? How is the http link defined in
> MIRROR linked to the file system location in MIRRORLOCAL?  In general
> where in the process is MIRRORLOCAL or MIRROR used? What is the
> useful purpose of MIRROR?

MIRROR is used in gen-repo for reprepro's configuration. It needs a URL
that apt-get can access (the URL you use in sources.list). I believe
that can also be a file:// URL now, but I'm not sure reprepro could
handle that back in the day. In that case MIRROR could be just
"file://" + MIRRORLOCAL.

In case of an http:// URL the link is defined in the web server that
serves that repo.

> Step 9 refers to publishing or pushing the repo to "your mirror".
> Looking at push-repo this appears to be the location configured in
> RSYNC_DEST.  In the case of Dunsink where do you think RSYNC_DEST will
> point to? Will it be some public location at Savannah or a gNewSense
> server?  Who uses this final mirror location?

Builder is designed so that you can have separate machines for
compiling and for serving your repo. Building happens on a not so
public server, the final location is a.k.a. the
master repo server.

> So if I understand the process, MIRRORLOCAL, MIRROR are created on the
> machine of the person doing the update. Creates and updates the
> repository on their machine then pushes the result to the location
> defined in RSYNC_DEST.  Is this correct?  This is why I do not
> understand the purpose of MIRROR.

Builder is initially set up on a build server and runs in a cron job
after that. It automatically pushes the result to the master repo
server. The only human interaction required is writing gen-scripts.
Note that Builder automatically syncs its source code with the main bzr
branch (see update-builder).

> Where does pbuilder come into play in this process or is that a Ubuntu
> wrapper around the builder process?

Builder doesn't use pbuilder, although I think it would be a good
addition. Builder uses chroots directly, while pbuilder is a wrapper
around chroot. Switching to pbuilder would probably make Builder run
(even) longer, but I think it fits the build process of deb packages

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