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Re: [freesci-develop] cleanup patch

From: Max Horn
Subject: Re: [freesci-develop] cleanup patch
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 09:47:42 -0500

[CC'ing Eugene; I think he's on this list, but just in case he's not...]

Am 27.01.2009 um 06:09 schrieb Jordi Vilalta:


The last remaining issue is preparing the FreeSCI tree to fit into
ScummVM's SVN (removing useless files, apply code formatting
conventions, etc.). This will be done on a separate branch, since it
will break the standalone FreeSCI.

So briefly we have:
1) split/organize headers
2) make a new branch to prepare the source to fit ScummVM's SVN
3) do the conversion to C++ and use the ScummVM API
4) import the source code into ScummVM's SVN

We mainly need advice on 2) and 4) to know what are the requirements
we need to achieve. Maybe we could even postpone 3) and work on that
after it's been imported into ScummVM's SVN...

All in all your plan seems sensible to me. Though I would strongly suggest postponing 3 after 4. This way, your code can be updated with changes to our core APIs as they happen, and you don't have to chase after them constantly. Also, it opens up the possibility for more people to help, should you desire so.

After 4 happens, we should of course announce it on our both websites; people will find out anyway, and it's better to have this cleared up officially, and not wait for rumors to spread. Moreover, a post to scummvm-devel which announces whether or not others are welcome to contribute at that stage. Oh, and remove the "FreeSCI" entry from our FAQ *g*.

As for step 3: I am not sure whether you have a specific "attack plan". But I see that you e.g. have quite some data structures (lists, hashmaps, ...) implemented there, which we also have. So it might be best to just replace those with our equivalents (if possible/sensible, that is), instead of going through the effort of C++ifying those.

Anyway it looked like a good idea to give Max an account on the Darcs
server so he can help us with 1), 2) and eventually also 3 if we
decide to do it before moving to ScummVM's SVN.

Fine by me. What do I need to do for that?


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