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Re: [pooma-dev] Compile Time Problems and Pooma 2

From: Scott Haney
Subject: Re: [pooma-dev] Compile Time Problems and Pooma 2
Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 12:23:44 -0600

Hi Dave,

The root problem is that you want to blindly take the output from KCC and use that to guide pre-instantiation. This is certainly the easiest thing from your perspective, but it presents an almost insurmountable problem from our perspective in that we have to guarantee that every template can be instantiated in any possible order. I don't think we can do this in all cases. This means that your tool needs to get slightly smarter to handle the small set of exceptions where order does matter. For the case you're describing, you need to pre-instantiate some stuff from Field before you hit AltView1, etc. I expect that the number of exceptions is quite small and could easily be added to your scripts.


On Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 11:53 AM, Dave Nystrom wrote:

Also, I tried out Jeffrey's fixes to allow instantiation of the View1 class and have some comments. It appears that I can now instantiate the View1 class but now I find that I have about 1000 AltView1 templates that I am unable to instantiate. Perhaps we need a new AltAltView1 class:-). Well, seriously, this fix is not solving the root problem which I have which is that I need to be able to explicitly instantiate anything that the compiler
is able to instantiate so that I don't have to depend on the prelinker
recompiling files.  Also, I tried the following template instantiation
request which did not work.

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