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Re: Any one using Compaq(DEC) Tru64 UNIX?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Any one using Compaq(DEC) Tru64 UNIX?
Date: 14 Jan 2001 15:39:21 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "WN" == W Northcott <address@hidden> writes:

WN> The error is 'Parse error somewhere before siginfo_t'.  It does
WN> not occur with -D_XOPEN_SOURCE, but a heap of other errors do.

A common problem is that, on some systems, gcc's preprocessor will
define one set of defines for straight C, but then for Objective C
there will be a slight difference, say, that __STDC__ is different.
Then that propagates to the standard headers which sets several
#defines differently, like the preprocessor variables you're talking
about, and that in turns makes everything look weird.  So you might
make a simple `hello world' program in C and Objective C and compare
the preprocessor settings when you compile them with "gcc -E hello.c"
and "gcc -E hello.m".  If you identify a difference, say that FOO and
BAR were missing in the latter case, you can then do a `configure'
with explicit changes, e.g.

   CC="gcc -DFOO -DBAR" ./configure

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