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Re: Mathematica to Java made easier

From: Benedikt Stefansson
Subject: Re: Mathematica to Java made easier
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 18:41:05 -0600

"Marcus G. Daniels" wrote:

> >>>>> "B" == Benedikt Stefansson <address@hidden> writes:
> B> By the way, If anyone could point out to me a visualization
> B> solution that a) runs on Linux b) is able to do 3D surface plots
> B> where you can control both the height of the surface and the color
> B> at each point on the surface I'd be very interested in knowing
> B> about it. Java3D unfortunately is not available for Linux yet so
> B> that is out.
> Check out IBM data explorer:  http://www.opendx.org
> Someday I'd like to implement a HDF5 module for it.

OK. I tried this before but ran into trouble, decided now to stick it out
and install  Data Explorer from RPMS on a Linux Intel RedHat 6.1 machine.

For the benefit of future generations, the main hurdle is that the rpms
provided as service on the opendx website link statically against a
version of libstdc++ that is not on RH 6.1 and a later version of
libMagick (i.e. ImageMagick shared libraries).

So you'll need to upgrade a couple of things before DX will work.

You can get to the ImageMagick repository from opendx but need to get the
libstdc++ stuff from elsewhere (the rpm is called
libstdc++-2.95.3-0.20000323). Don't forget also to download OpenGL, the
tutorial and the docs with the rest of the stuff from opendx. Here is
what you'll need:



DataExplorer seems to be overkill for simple plots, but it is certainly
mighty powerful, and open source. For those on slow connections bear in
mind that the opendx rpm is about 15 Mb, sgi-opengl is 12 Mb and the rest
of the stuff is nearly 10 Mb total.


Benedikt Stefansson      | address@hidden
CASA, Inc.               | Ph : (505) 988-8807 x101
Santa Fe, NM 87501       | Fax: (505) 988-3440

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