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help with running demo programs

From: Karin Hollerbach
Subject: help with running demo programs
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 16:06:25 -0800


I just installed swarm 1.3 on Solaris 2.5.x.  I think I have all of the
installations done properly (sort of; see note at end) at this point -- had
to install most of the "prerequisite packages" and "prerequisite libraries"
before installing swarm.

If I run any of the sample programs, I get a core dump.  Details  ---

I had to mess with the Makefile.appl in order to compile/link any of the
sample programs.  I'm not convinced that I should have needed to do this,
but I did. For example, to make tutorials/simpleCBug/bug, I had to do the
I believe in the original Makefile.appl, the "rpath" variable should have
been replaced by something else? If I leave it as is (-Wl,-rpath ${...}),
ld is unhappy and won't link properly. When I leave out the -Wl option
altogether and change it to "-R ${...}", make works. However, the final
result core dumps.
% diff /pubusrb/swarm-1.3/etc/Makefile.appl

[my changes to file]
< TCLLDFLAGS = -L${tcllibdir} -R ${tcllibdir}
< TKLDFLAGS = -L${tklibdir} -R ${tklibdir}
< BLTLDFLAGS = -L${bltlibdir} -R ${bltlibdir}
< FFILDFLAGS = -L${ffidir}/lib -R ${ffidir}/lib
< PNGLDFLAGS = -L${pnglibdir} -R ${pnglibdir}
< ZLIBLDFLAGS = -L${zliblibdir} -R ${zliblibdir}
[original file]
> TCLLDFLAGS = -L${tcllibdir} -Wl,-rpath ${tcllibdir}
> TKLDFLAGS = -L${tklibdir} -Wl,-rpath ${tklibdir}
> BLTLDFLAGS = -L${bltlibdir} -Wl,-rpath ${bltlibdir}
> FFILDFLAGS = -L${ffidir}/lib -Wl,-rpath ${ffidir}/lib
> PNGLDFLAGS = -L${pnglibdir} -Wl,-rpath ${pnglibdir}
> ZLIBLDFLAGS = -L${zliblibdir} -Wl,-rpath ${zliblibdir}

[my changes]
< LDFLAGS = -L$(libdir) -R $(libdir) $(BLTLDFLAGS) $(TCLLDFLAGS)
> LDFLAGS = -L$(libdir) -Wl,-rpath $(libdir) $(BLTLDFLAGS) $(TCLLDFLAGS)

Oh, also, when I install swarm, the Makefile.appl is in
.../swarm-1.3/etc/Makefile.appl; there is no .../swarm-1.3/etc/swarm
subdirectory -- so I also have to edit the Makefile for each sample
program. I assume this is just a leftover from old versions? Is anyone
expecting this subdirectory to exist within etc?

I'm not very experienced at running the gnu debugger. However, when I run
"bug" within gdb, I get the following:

(gdb) run
Starting program: /pubusrb/swarmapps-1.3/tutorial/simpleCBug/bug

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0xef3a3ddc in strlen ()
(gdb) backtrace
#0  0xef3a3ddc in strlen ()
#1  0x2e4d0 in _i_TclInterp__checkPath_file_ (self=0x118888, _cmd=0xd1e6c,
    path=0x0, file=0xa4fe0 "init.tcl") at TclInterp.m:113
#2  0x2e58c in _i_TclInterp__checkTclLibrary (self=0x118888, _cmd=0xd1ea4)
    at TclInterp.m:127
#3  0x2e754 in _i_TclInterp__preInitWithArgc_argv_ (self=0x118888,
    _cmd=0xd2054, argc=1, argv=0xeffff9ec) at TclInterp.m:169
#4  0x2f220 in _i_TkInterp__preInitWithArgc_argv_ (self=0x118888,
    _cmd=0xd1870, argc=1, argv=0xeffff9ec) at TkInterp.m:96
#5  0x2d820 in _i_TkExtra__preInitWithArgc_argv_ (self=0x118888, _cmd=0xd1ebc,
    argc=1, argv=0xeffff9ec) at TkExtra.m:74
#6  0x2e948 in _i_TclInterp__initWithArgc_argv_ (self=0x118888, _cmd=0xd2074,
    argc=1, argv=0xeffff9ec) at TclInterp.m:233
#7  0x2f440 in _i_TkInterp__initWithArgc_argv_ (self=0x118888, _cmd=0xd0fb4,
    argc=1, argv=0xeffff9ec) at TkInterp.m:172
#8  0x94860 in __objc_init_install_dtable (receiver=0xd1820, op=0xd0fb4)
    at sendmsg.c:208
#9  0x2b938 in tkobjc_initTkInterp (arguments=0x113518) at internal.m:129
#10 0x2cb34 in initTkObjc (arguments=0x113518) at tkobjc.m:40
#11 0x22770 in initSimtoolsGUI () at simtoolsgui.m:19
#12 0x1f4a0 in initSwarmArguments (argc=838492, argv=0xf5c00,
    argumentsClass=0x0) at simtools.m:55
#13 0x1f368 in initSwarm (argc=1, argv=0xeffff9ec) at simtools.m:31
#14 0x1f270 in main (argc=1, argv=0xeffff9ec) at main.m:16
(gdb) q

Does anyone know where my problem is?

I said earlier that I thought I had everything installed properly -- sort
of! I did have some trouble with the tcl/tk tests that I ran after
installing those packages (I have tk 8.0, tcl8.0, and blt8.0-unoff).
Installation seemed to go ok, but the self-tests ran into some problems. I
wasn't able to solve those. I am wondering whether this is coming back to
haunt me now?

Sorry about the long email -- I'm including the results of some of my
attempts to figure this out in the hopes that it gives someone else enough
information to point me in the right direction.

Thanks. Any help you can give me is appreciated.


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