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Re: [Protux-devel] Good news about 0.17.1

From: Martin Herren
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] Good news about 0.17.1
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 10:54:33 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011128 Netscape6/6.2.1

Luciano Giordana wrote:

the funny thing is that protux-bus 0 tries to open hw:0,2, and protux-bus 1
tries to open hw:0,1... and there is no way to select hw:0.0...

I am "detecting" the cards/devices/buses by inspecting /proc/asound/cardX directories. This is not the good way to do this, but I couldnt find a correct way to detect the buses/devices using the ALSA API.

haven't found any other way to do it too...

if there is no hw:0,0, then it is because there is no /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p (or if you mean capture buses, so there is no /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c)

there is, and at startup Protux detects all 3 capture interfaces (see --d1 output in one of precedent mails):

address@hidden:~$ ls /proc/asound/card0/
ac97#0        fx8010_code       id     oss_mixer  pcm2c
ac97#0regs    fx8010_gpr        midi0  pcm0c      pcm3p
emu10k1       fx8010_tram_addr  midi1  pcm0p      wavetableD1
fx8010_acode  fx8010_tram_data  midi2  pcm1c

it's just that the input BusSelector shows only 2 buses... so the error is perhaps there.

Note that I DONT KNOW if there is a relation between hw:X,Y and these directories.. I am workin in the dark with ALSA stuff..

the alsa questions are still the same

1) is hw:X,Y linked to /proc/asound/cardX/pcmZY ? (Z is c or p)

according to the test i did, this is correct, but haven't found an official answer in the alsa doc.

2) what exactly is a PCM for alsa ? Why a SB Live has 2 PCM devices ??

afaik the analog and the digital are two independent outpus, so there are 2 pcmYp devices.

7) which is the best way (and code example) to inspect all cards and ONLY its AUDIO (WAVE/PCM/DSP, whatever ) devices ?
as far as i understood, each pcmYZ under /proc/asound/cardX/ is an independant pcm device, and can be used as as independant input (Z = c) or as an independant outpu (Z = p)

but i don't know how to get the list of the devices without scanning /proc/asound/


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