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Re: [Protux-devel] autotoolized mustache, please test

From: Martin Herren
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] autotoolized mustache, please test
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 10:31:06 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011128 Netscape6/6.2.1

dax wood wrote:

It worked for me but only after some tweaking(non-code).

basicly i had to:

libtoolize --force

Ooops, normaly the provided configure scripts doesn't require you to do this steps... what did a simple ./configure (or a .(/configure --with-qt-prefix=/opt/qt) give ?

./configure --with-qt-prefix=/opt/qt

all fine after with the make.

but some questions.

1: why is qt optional? (as displayed in ./configure --help)

qt is not optional, but the options
are optional. If you don't provide them, there is a set of  default path...

2: why is it only looking for moc in /usr/lib/qt2/bin

it looks there in addition to the $PATH variable (containing at least /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin...)
I'll add /opt/qt as a standard prefix to look at.

could it not check the environment VAR $QTDIR?

thanks, i'll look at that... i heard about this variable years ago when i first discovered qt (1.2 or something like that), and forgot it's existance... but the thing is, we can't rely on only $QTDIR, as many systems don't set it per default

just some stuff.

Ted K.

thanks, it's exactly for this kind of stuff i asked testing !


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