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[Monotone-devel] netsync doesn't do anything

From: Peter Simons
Subject: [Monotone-devel] netsync doesn't do anything
Date: 04 Apr 2005 19:55:56 +0200


I have a strange effect when pulling new data from a netsync
repository into the local database: It doesn't do anything!
Here's what I see:

  $ monotone sync localhost de.neofonie
  monotone: connecting to localhost
  monotone: rebuilding merkle trees for collection de.neofonie
  monotone: including branch de.neofonie.src
  monotone: including branch de.neofonie.src.vendor
  monotone: including branch de.neofonie.cxx
  monotone: including branch de.neofonie.vendor.boost
  monotone: [certs: 606] [keys: 2]
  enter passphrase for key ID address@hidden:
  monotone: [bytes in: 73563] [bytes out: 12265] [revs in: 52] [revs out: 0]
  monotone: successful exchange with localhost

Looks good, right? The only problem is that I can run this
command a dozen times and get exactly this output every time
I run it. For some reason, these branches found on the
server never make it into my local database:

  $ monotone --db=server.db ls branches | grep de.neofonie

I have restarted the server; I have run "reindex"; I have
tried everything I could. Now I am out of ideas.

Does anyone else have one?


P. S.:

  monotone 0.17 (base revision: a67a42ef57e27ca7758689c2ab00f51dc163cf10)
  Running on: Linux 2.6.11-gentoo-r4 #2 Fri Mar 18 19:01:09 CET 2005 i686
  Changes since base revision:

  new_manifest [f21276b567b8279ff3e0d682bb7999c88013bb44]

  old_revision [a67a42ef57e27ca7758689c2ab00f51dc163cf10]
  old_manifest [f21276b567b8279ff3e0d682bb7999c88013bb44]

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