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Re: lynx-dev LYNX: "&#151": em-dash?

From: Christian Weisgerber
Subject: Re: lynx-dev LYNX: "&#151": em-dash?
Date: 5 Sep 1998 14:55:43 +0200

In article <address@hidden>, Philip Webb
<address@hidden> wrote:

> > This code:  who&#151;he's my boss&#151;who runs
> you're right, it should be ` -- ': that's correct secretarial style.

Actually, &#151; shouldn't be anything. As far as HTML is concerned,
it's an undefined, illegal character.

> and while we're on it, Lynx should write  2  spaces after a full stop:
> that's also professional secretarial practice.

According to *some* style manuals for (American?) English.

The rules for typewritten German (e.g.) unanimously state that a single
space is to be used after a period. I would suspect that the majority of
European languages agree with this.

This, along with the type of quotes used for the Q element, could
conceivably be implemented in a language-specific fashion, taking into
account the LANG attribute. Of course, hardly a web page out there
bothers to specify the languages.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                  address@hidden
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