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Re: [lmi] Special "split funds" supplemental report

From: Vadim Zeitlin
Subject: Re: [lmi] Special "split funds" supplemental report
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 22:46:13 +0100

On Sat, 19 Jan 2019 01:30:23 +0000 Greg Chicares <address@hidden> wrote:

GC> A special supplemental report is required in a certain circumstance.
GC> Today, this is done manually. Vadim, would you please consider
GC> automating it?


 I'm sorry for a probably very stupid question, but how exactly do you do
it manually and how should this be automated? I.e. I understand (almost)
all the details below, but I have trouble seeing the bigger picture: what
exactly would end users do to generate this report? Do I understand it
correctly that they won't have to do anything at all but that, if The
Circumstance below holds, it will be generated automatically and
unavoidably? But even if so, it's not clear to me if generating it means an
extra page in illustrations for some (or all?) ledger types or a completely
new illustration kind or something else entirely?

GC> The circumstance: This report is required iff
GC>   Input::InforceGeneralAccountValue      ;
GC>   Input::InforceSeparateAccountValue     ;
GC> are both nonzero:

 Out of curiosity, is "split funds" the same as "split fund allocation"?
I'm asking this because I see that in ledger_variant_init.cpp the
apparently related field SplitFundAllocation is set to true if either this
condition or if "0.0 != GenAcctAllocation && 1.0 != GenAcctAllocation" one
is true? Possibly more importantly, should I use exactly the condition
above or test SplitFundAllocation in the code that we will write to
generate this report?

GC> The report: The columns are these...
GC>     <SupplementalReportColumn00>PolicyYear</SupplementalReportColumn00>
GC>     <SupplementalReportColumn01>AttainedAge</SupplementalReportColumn01>
GC>     <SupplementalReportColumn02>ErGrossPmt</SupplementalReportColumn02>
GC>     <SupplementalReportColumn03>EeGrossPmt</SupplementalReportColumn03>
GC> in the case documented as follows in class finra_supplemental:
GC>     // When invar.SplitMinPrem is true
GC> in which case, as that comment describes in detail, we may need to make
GC> certain columns narrower so that all fit. When 'SplitMinPrem' is not
GC> true, these two columns:
GC>     <SupplementalReportColumn02>ErGrossPmt</SupplementalReportColumn02>
GC>     <SupplementalReportColumn03>EeGrossPmt</SupplementalReportColumn03>
GC> are to be omitted, and 'Outlay' inserted.
GC> In this snippet from 'pdf_command_wx.cpp':
GC>             ,{ "ErGrossPmt"                 , "ER Gross\nPayment"           
,  "99,999,999" }
GC>             ,{ "EeGrossPmt"                 , "EE Gross\nPayment"           
,  "99,999,999" }
GC>             ,{ "GrossPmt"                   , "Premium\nOutlay"             
, "999,999,999" }
GC> all three of these columns are shown together; for this supplemental
GC> report, either the first two (only) or the third (only) is to be used.

 I think I understand this. But I still have another question here too: as
we're now going to have fewer columns, should we make some of them wider?

GC> Even though I cut and pasted XML like this above:
GC>     <SupplementalReportColumn00>PolicyYear</SupplementalReportColumn00>
GC> from an actual input file that had been manually modified, we want to
GC> use the columns shown, but without using those XML elements: instead,
GC> we want a hard-coded supplemental report as in the 'pdf_command_wx.cpp'
GC> snippet above, which should appear iff the "Circumstance" above is true.
GC> IOW, instead of requiring end users to select these columns on the
GC> supplemental-report GUI tab, we want this additional report to appear
GC> without any explicit action on their part, so that they can design their
GC> own (different and extra) supplemental report on that GUI tab.
GC> Is this a clear enough specification?

 I'm afraid it isn't, but hopefully it's just because I'm not viewing it
from the right frame of reference. I.e. I think I should be able to do it
once I understand what is the desired result -- which is probably supposed
to be completely obvious, but, somehow, I don't see it, sorry. So, to
repeat the question I started with, could you please explain to me what (if
anything) should the users do and what should they obtain on output?

 Thanks in advance,

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