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Re: working with other git branches (was: Tie Crusade - what to do now)

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: working with other git branches (was: Tie Crusade - what to do now)
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 15:37:01 +0100

----- Original Message ----- From: "Janek Warchoł" <address@hidden>
To: "Thomas Morley" <address@hidden>
Cc: "LilyPond Developmet Team" <address@hidden>
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2013 3:24 PM
Subject: working with other git branches (was: Tie Crusade - what to do now)


2013/8/18 Thomas Morley <address@hidden>:
2013/8/18 Janek Warchoł <address@hidden>:
PS if anyone needs *any* help with git, i'll gladly help!

let me take you at your word.

excellent!  I like it when my words are taken seriously :-)

Recently you posted
with the public branch

How do I get this branch?
I.e. what to do/type?

side-question: what git version do you have? ('git --version')

1) go to the directory lilypond repository (that was obvious)
2) run 'git status' to see in what state is your repository.  It sould
say something like "on branch <branchname> [...]". If it says you have
uncommitted changes, you should commit or stash them before proceeding
(ask if you need help)
3) update your repository using 'git fetch' (or 'git pull', depending
on your preferences), you have probably done this step recently so it
may not be necessary
4) to go to the desired branch, run 'git checkout <branchname>' - in
this case, 'git checkout dev/frax/colorful-make'.  Git will probably
say something about seting up a branch X to track remote branch X from

You'll likely generally be running in "detached head" mode if you do this - i.e. you've checked out a branch of the remote repository for which there is not a local branch on your machine. I'm not sure if there are penalties for doing this, but it's worth being aware. The major impact, I believe, is that if you make any changes on the branch then go back to, say, master ('git checkout master'), you'll lose your changes.

What about 'git merge dev/frax/colorful-make' ?

5) that's it.  remember that whatever you do will happen on this
branch (for example new commits will be attached to it) until you tell
git to switch to another branch.  When you don't know where you are,
run 'git status' or 'git branch'.

As you can see, it boils down to one command (step 4), but just to
make sure everything is working as expected you may need some extra
commands.  Be sure to ask more questions if you need. (for example, if
you'd like to use that colorful make when working on some of your


Phil Holmes

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