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Re: [Gzz] New PEG: containment--benja

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: Re: [Gzz] New PEG: containment--benja
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 11:28:48 +0100
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Tuomas Lukka wrote:

I see this as an architectural issue. *Even* if we have only a single
implementation, it is useful to behave as the implementation might change,
because you get cleaner code that way.

If you have code that explicitly handles the containment dimension in a lot of places, it gets really hard to read (remember last winter's
codebase ;), but if we separate it, it's easier to see what's going on.

Ok. foo.getRootclone() is easier to understand than foo.h(d_clone), I'll admit that ;-)

Additionally, new ``p``/``P`` bindings as (IIRC) specified by Ted:
``p`` puts the left window's cell at the end of the right window's
list of contained cells; ``P`` does the reverse. (Actually, let's
use the prefix mechanism explained in PEG 1022: other window if
no cells are marked; the marked cells, if any; in the future,
the cell identified by number, if any.)
This is too vague; is there a call in Containment that is used?
No, in the proposal Containment has only the two methods above.

I think that it should also have these. Better have them in one place
than all over, even if we're never going to change the structure.

Ok, but what exactly should they look like? I could imagine

addContainedCell(Cell into, Cell c);

which would put 'c' at the end of 'into''s list of contained cells, but of course this doesn't do *everything* we might want. OTOH it would be enough for the case above...

It should IMHO not clone, but throw an exception if 'c' is already connected in a containment structure.

Ouch. That sounds much too complicated and context-dependent. Making a clone *sometimes* but not always is bad :(

I naturally *don't* agree at all ;-)

The very *point* of clones is that you can connect things on a dimension they are already connected on. It's preferred to connect the original, because it has most connections anyway, so only if you can't connect to the original, you create a clone.

This is also AFAIK the philosophy in Ted's mechanism for joining remote clones: unify them into a single cell if there are no conflicting connections, make them clones if there are conflicting connections.

To me, this way of operation seems absolutely natural. Can you explain why you think it's bad?

- Benja

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