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Re: Ublox and GPSD 3.22

From: Gary E. Miller
Subject: Re: Ublox and GPSD 3.22
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 19:35:55 -0700

Yo Jeff!

On Thu, 30 Jun 2022 22:13:02 -0400
Jeff Curtis <> wrote:

> Here is a raw output from telnet using port 2947 and enabling by
> typing "'?WATCH={"enable":true,"json":true};’” per the GPSD
> installation html.

Congrats, you just duplicated gpspipe.

But you failed to specify how you started gpsd, what version, etc.

My mind reading is not working well today, you need to speciufy all your
test conditions, and provide all your test data, every time.

Sending fragments is not helpful.  Always send the entire output, especially
the headers you did not send.

>  Here on the TPV you can clearly see the
> Lat/Long/Alt are zeros but the ECEF values are set.  Note the mode is
> 3 (3d fix)

Which does not match the raw.log you sent previously.  You keep
switching from -p to not -p, and not speecifying when.

> "class":"TPV","device":"/dev/serial0","mode":3,"time":"2022-07-01T01:53:30.000Z","leapseconds":18,"ept":0.005,"lat":0.000000000,"lon":0.000000000,"altHAE":0.0000,"altMSL":-17.0000,"alt":-17.0000,"epx":14.078,"epy":15.691,"epv":-544967.168,"track":0.0000,"magtrack":355.1600,"magvar":-4.8,"speed":0.000,"climb":0.000,"eps":31.38,"epc":-1089933.00,"ecefx":1344251.00,"ecefy":-4681855.16,"ecefz":4103682.15,"ecefvx":0.12,"ecefvy":-0.08,"ecefvz":0.14,"ecefpAcc":18.23,"ecefvAcc":0.47,"velN":0.000,"velE":0.000,"velD":-0.000,"geoidSep":17.230,"eph":-0.001,"sep":1899.810}

Without the matching raw I can't tell what is going on.

And without the header lines you first get I can't see basic stuff.
Those have very important debug info, but you did not send them.

> Every TPV message is like this.

No, not the ones you sent previously.  And once again, you tell me
what you think you see, instead of providing the raw data so we all
can see.

> This completely removes my program
> from the equation. Does not mean I am not bugging something up.

That does not mean your program is bad, but my eyes tell me that your
program has many bugs.

> I guess if you see the lat long alt  in the raw data then something
> appears to be wrong generating the TPV json messages  which is why
> the FTP command, CGPS,  and XGPS  all see the same issue no?

gpsd has a ton of regression tests.  I seriously doubt you found a bug
in the u-blox 7 code.  More likely you have a bad gps device, or bad
configuration,  but since you did not provide the matching raw log, no
way to tell.

So, once again, for every data point your send, we need:

gpsd version, and where from (distro, self built, etc.)

the gpsd command line used.

the raw data log:  gpspipe -R -n 20 > log.raw

the matching JSON:  gpspipe -w -n 20 > log.json

We need that every time.

Without context, we can't know what you have.

Gary E. Miller Rellim 109 NW Wilmington Ave., Suite E, Bend, OR 97703  Tel:+1 541 382 8588

            Veritas liberabit vos. -- Quid est veritas?
    "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." - Lord Kelvin

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