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RE: [Gomp-discuss] sentinels

From: Scott Robert Ladd
Subject: RE: [Gomp-discuss] sentinels
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 09:17:45 -0500

Lars Segerlund wrote
>   Ok so all agrees that we can use the existing frontends ?


>   Does this mean that we will use g95 for FORTRAN and the new
> C/C++ parser ?

I agree with Steven -- let's move directly to C, then C++, then Fortran 95.
C will be a subset of C++, and Fortran is a slight fork (but very similar
to) from C (syntactically speaking).

>   A reasonable first goal would be to get the sentinels, ( '!omp' and
> '#pragma omp' ) to the middle end.

Sounds good.

>   What about the distinction of 'parallell' and 'distributed' regions,
> does everyone think this is a good idea ?

I'm not certain what you mean here. When I think of "distributed", I think
of an application like address@hidden, where work is shared across a loose
network of heterogenous machines. The OpenMP model is vetry much based on
"threads" (however a given system defines those) running in a shared-memory,
multiple processor environment.


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