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Re: [Fsfe-uk] Proposed constitution for a UA

From: MJ Ray
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] Proposed constitution for a UA
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 01:05:37 +0000

Oliver Elphick wrote:
> The Debian Project conducts its votes by GnuPG-signed emails. The system
> has been working satisfactorily for a couple of years.

Part of my concern is "what happens in a dispute?" really.  IIRC, Debian
doesn't hold any tangible assets as an entity itself, so is unlikely to
encounter nasty problems itself -- no assets to be frozen if a serious
dispute occurs within the project.  Sorry if I've misunderstood that.  AFFS
will hold at least its own membership fees, so there is potential for some
of that sort of shenanigans.

Probably I'm overly concerned about it, though.


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