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Re: Updates on Swarm requirements

From: Li An
Subject: Re: Updates on Swarm requirements
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 09:05:02 -0400

Thanks, Dr. Johnson. I believe that will work. I was trying to download "Linux RPM in self-extracting file" from the website "http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/download.html";, but seems unsuccessful: 1. after I click a few Accept and I get to "Download j2sdk-1.4.1-linux-i586- rpm.bin" and I click it. 2. Then it takes about 8 minutes for a webpage come out, first are some text about use agreement, then some weird characters (with hats, dots, etc.) follow. 3. I click File and choose "save as". Then the default file type is "web page, complete (*.htm,*html)", and the encoding is "Western European (Windows)". Next, the copy speed was very slow and a warning came out for low virtual memory or something like that. What is the problem? How can I download it from the above web?



At 07:23 AM 9/26/2002 -0500, you wrote:
download those rpms to some directory, it does not matter where, because when you use the rpm -Uvh command to install those things, then it will put them in /usr and various subdirectories. Suppose your user name is "li". download them to /home/li/downloads

and then

cd downloads

rpm -Uvh *.rpm

And just make sure you see jdk if you go

ls /usr/local/j2sdk1.4.0

Li An wrote:
Thanks. I may want to download the j2sdk1.4.1 version. Shall I put the the following 5 Swarm rpm's in the *_same directory _*as the j2sdk1.4.1, say /usr/java or /usr/local/Swarm?
1.YES> 1. hdf5-1.4.3-1RH73.i386.rpm
2.YES> 2. swarm-
3. MAYBE> 4. swarm-gcjswarm-
4. YES> 5. swarm-jdk-
5. MAYBE> 7.swarm-static-

Paul E. Johnson                       email: address@hidden
Dept. of Political Science            http://lark.cc.ku.edu/~pauljohn
University of Kansas                  Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                FAX: (785) 864-5700

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