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Re: Redhat 5.0 libtclobjc problems: here are the error messages

From: Paul Johnson
Subject: Re: Redhat 5.0 libtclobjc problems: here are the error messages
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 1997 00:18:32 -0600 (CST)

On Sat, 6 Dec 1997, Marcus G. Daniels wrote:

> >>>>> "PJ" == Paul E Johnson <address@hidden> writes:
> PJ> The Archive intall seems to work, but when one tries to compile swarm
> PJ> programs, this is the big ugly message. 
> I suggest doing the link with:
>   $ make EXTRALDFLAGS=-Wl,--verbose 2>&1 linker.log
> And then study linker.log to see why it is missing the symbols in your
> Tcl/Tk libraries (which ought to be in /usr/lib).  You can use a command like:
Thanks. I will try it.

After more fiddling, I think, the problem is that in /usr/lib there is the
tk/tcl 8.0 stuff, and I'm trying to make Swarm find the 7.6/4.2 versions
that are in /usr/local/lib.  I've got environment
variables set, but I still get those crazy TCL errrors.

The major thing I've learned is that the swarmapp makes are still looking in
/usr/lib.  If I rename libtcl.so (a symlink to libtcl8.so in /usr/lib) then the
make crashes and says it cant find the library for tcl. 

 If I copy the library libtcl.a from /usr/local/lib to /usr/lib and destroy the
symlink in /usr/lib from libtcl.so to libtcl8.so, then swarm apps will compile. 
So that tells me that despite my environment variable pointing at
/usr/local/lib, the compiler is still looking in /usr/lib.  The swarm
Makefile.conf is very emphatic about how it looks for only libtcl.a, and I'm
surprised it makes a difference is there is also a libtcl.so in the /usr/lib

Oh, well.  The binary swarm runs and is probably a good way for most people to
get around the redhat 5.0 use of tcl/tk 8.0.  I'm just being stubborn  trying
to make the archive install work because, well, I'm stubborn and want to use
the debugger.  

Paul E. Johnson                           address@hidden
Dept. of Political Science                Office: (913) 864-9086
University of Kansas                      FAX: (913) 864-5700
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                    Home: (913) 842-9916                  

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