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Redhat 5.0 problems/solutions

From: Paul Johnson
Subject: Redhat 5.0 problems/solutions
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 21:14:58 -0600 ()

I upgraded to redhat 5, my system wouldn't start, I
had to repartition a drive and install fresh.  I'm not
sure it was worth the amusement....

Anyway, I tried to post earlier today and, for reasons
uknown, my posts didn't go, so Im trying again.

Redhat 5 is based on a new C library and also many of its
features are built on tk/tcl 8.0.  I tried to compile libtclobjc
against that new library and got some errors, so I installed
tk/tcl 7.6 4.2 in the /usr/local directory and tried to make
things go.  

However, the rudest surprise was that the swarm package
would not make. I kept seeing errors about mistakes in stdlib.h.
After a long time, I figured out that the make was looking
first in the /swarm/include directory for header files, and
those header files are "stale." they dont work with the libraries
I have. SO, one by one, I renamed those libraries, such as
stdlib.h, math.h, one of the ieee785.h.  Finally swarm made 
without errors because it found better header files. Note,
I don't think you can just delete all of them because some
are found nowhere else on the pc.

I could not get applications to make, however, because of a
lot of TK/TCL/BLT errors after an archive install. I can
list the errors, perhaps they are just a result of some minor
mistake I made, not due to redhat 5.0 at all. I think the 
compiler was finding the files in /usr/local, at least according to the
compiler messages, but the weird thing is the error messages follow 
all the way back to the /usr/src files from which the packages
were made and installed. (Yes, when I installed libtclobjc, I
told it to use the tcl/tk in the /usr/local/lib directory, and
I think blt found them on its own).

  A binary install, however, allowed programs to make and I think
it works, but I had to leave the office before I had a chance
to reconfigure the tk/tcl environment variables to point at swarm.

I'd appreciate some of the list's usual expert opinion on
what a person ought to do in this situtation.  I guess I can
use the binary, even though it plays havoc on the debugger.  But 
I wish I understood better why the header file issue arises
and how to control the tk/tcl problems.  I've read somewhere a
rather detailed treatment of how a person can keep both the
old and new version on the same machine, but I can't find it
anywhere now.

Gosh, I love linux.  If you hear of anyone who needs to hire
someone who can wipe out an operating system with a single 
swipe, I'm the guy. 

Paul E. Johnson                           address@hidden
Dept. of Political Science                Office: (913) 864-9086
University of Kansas                      FAX: (913) 864-5700
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                    Home: (913) 842-9916                  

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