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[Simulavr-devel] Simulavrxx fork started

From: ThomasK
Subject: [Simulavr-devel] Simulavrxx fork started
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 19:06:53 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Hi list,

to collect last postings about changing SCM and after more that half a year "discussion" ;-) about it it's time to close this "discussion", I think.

To put our (Onno's and my) changes back to CVS would be useless and problematic. Who should decide, what to take and which changes not? Who should do that? Connected with that: we have some patches from Petr at last, some of it are real bugfixes (!!), but it stays in patch queue and it looks so, that nobody has interrest to integrate it or wrote on list, that he/she needs this or has a problem with that. Ok, I could do that, but for me it would be useless, I use now a completely changed code base and to handle patches and new features twice is not really that, what I want to do. :-) On the other hand, I'm not the only one, who could do that.

My opinion: our GIT repo is in fact a fork now, nothing else. So, we (Onno and me) have decided, to make this official now. In the moment, we grow up a sourceforge project (avrs) with that fork. I think, it's the best way to handle it. We leave simulavr/simulavrxx on untouched and we have on the other hand all possibilities to work on our code base and to share it with others.

cu, Thomas

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