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Re: [Protux-devel] autostuff problems ... really annoying me

From: Martin Herren
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] autostuff problems ... really annoying me
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 17:58:36 +0200
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Luciano Giordana wrote:
|>where did you install libmustux ? have you > manually checked that
|> is where it should be and that it > is readable ???
| you didnt get it.. maybe VERY strange things are happening here. that
test I
| did in a fresh installed mdk10!!!!
| - I created a clean partition
| - installed a standard mdk10
| - configured internet (piece of cake)
| - created protux and libmustux head dirs (clean)
| - checked them out
| - entende libmustux, runned aclocal
| - got the erro AC_ALSA_PATH not found.. everything else does not work

ok, if it fails here, nothing else can work... and protux will never

AC_ALSA_PATH is part of the ALSA distribution. You sure you installed
alsa-devel stuff ?
If you installed it look if there is an alsa.m4 file under
/usr/share/aclocal or /usr/local/share/aclocal or somewhere else
if there is one, you can try adding the path to it to aclocal:
$ aclocal -I /usr/share/aclocal
(or whereever you find your alsa.m4).

If Mandrake fails to deliver the alsa.m4 file with it's alsa-devel
package, you'll have to install ALSA yourself (from source).

alsa.m4 is _officially_ part of ALSA, and should be included in any
alsa-devel package. If Mandrake forgot to include it, it would be worth
to fill a bugreport !

If there are several cases where distributions forget to include this
_necessary_ file, we can of course include a copy of it with libmustux,
and keep it in sync ourselves with alsa's alsa.m4 (as we do with
ogg/vorbis, where the .m4 file of the last release is broken, and i
included the official CVS version with libmustux to avoid any problem).

| actually those are the hard-coded filters, the basic ones. The
plugable will
| be a completely separated project, in another tree.
| They are in a different directory just for organization reasons

ok, so it's not a problem to just compile them with the rest of Protux
without doing the step of a static library. I'll take care of it.

| Ok, I just dont want to disturb more with this question. I suggest you to
| install a fresh mandrake10 in some extra space you might have and see what
| happens.. if you get a clean installation, then it might be the
| error  I mentioned the root cause.. Or some kind of ghost ...

No fear, you don't disturb anyone, you found/experienced a problem, we
have to fix it.
Unfortunately my disk space is rare... and i have already space
problems... so there is no way to install any distribution for the
moment, until i bought a new disk !

Check what i said above, and we'll see more.

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