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Re: [Protux-devel] Undo

From: rsff
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] Undo
Date: Wed, 05 May 2004 11:55:32 -0300


Now a question: Is it possible to implement BOTH engines? And then make
some actions (such as cutting and pasting, moving, applying
realtime-filters, and stuff) use the action/anti-action paradigm right,
while others (the other kinds of filters, and stuff) which use the
Memory Image approach. Is that viable? Is it reasonable to think like


Em Qua, 2004-05-05 às 07:29, Remon Sijrier escreveu:
> > ohoh ... this seems to be a very, very difficult decision, since, just as
> > Fabio said, having undo after re-starting protux seems to be important
> > AS_WELL_AS a good performance when un-doing actions!! and having both,
> > seems to be NOT POSSIBLE, right?
> I do not have much experience in using audio application but not having undo 
> after restarting applications is one of the most annoying things on using an 
> application IMHO.
> The other one is bad undo performance ;-)
> So, if it can be possible to have both, I vote for it!
> Just a note, destructive editing is always undoable (rendering a Song with 
> filters set for example) when not using the memory Image approach, isn't it?
> If I know Luciano enough, he goes for the action/anti action approach ;-)
> Don't know if it makes sense, but the "slot" thing in Jmb, does it make this 
> approach more easy?
> Remon
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