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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Sync for phpGW: Milestone 3

From: Markus Kaemmerer
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Sync for phpGW: Milestone 3
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 16:33:35 +0100

"Guillaume Courtois" <address@hidden> wrote:,

>- I'm authenticating as Dave explained me, by saying
>$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array('currentapp' => 'login', ... and using
>session->create when I have the login and password coming from the syncml

this is not necessary, because $sync->authenticate will do the same.

>- I'm doing a $ipcManager =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.ipc_manager'); $sync =&

This is the correct way. You have fully access to all sync IPC classes
located in

>and then I can use prob functions to sync, like this for example :
>$authresult = $sync->authenticate ($userid,$password,$sourcelocuri);


>2 :
>- I'm using the XML-RPC interface for accessing directly to prob functions

This would be possible, too, but you would only introduce more
overhead without any advantages. This way is for Sync4j or other Non
PHP interfaces.

>Which way do you guys think is the best ? Is the second way possible right now
>or must I wait for it ?

The IPC concept is, that you have access to the same functions both
with direct access to IPC (the way you show at the top of the mail)
and via XML-RPC. Later, there will be SOAP-Support, which calls the
same functions, only trough a different interface.

>BTW : I'll never say it enough : I'm too happy with your functions, guys :-)

We like to hear this ;-)


Markus Kämmerer         Team Software Solutions
pro|business AG, EXPO Plaza 1, 30539 Hannover
E-Mail: address@hidden,  Phone.: 0511/60066-0
WWW:,    Mobile: 0177/5990932

           address@hidden 2004

*       Halle 1, Stand 3k4 (Magirus Deutschland GmbH)
*       Halle 1, Stand 7f2 (EMC Deutschland GmbH)
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