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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Sync for phpGW: Milestone 3

From: Markus Kaemmerer
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Sync for phpGW: Milestone 3
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 14:17:02 +0100

"Guillaume Courtois" <address@hidden> wrote:,

>> >- I'm authenticating as Dave explained me, by saying
>> >$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = array('currentapp' => 'login', ... and 
>> >using
>> >session->create when I have the login and password coming from the syncml
>> >client
>> this is not necessary, because $sync->authenticate will do the same.
>Well it seems to be necessary as I make an include of, and if I
>do so and then call the createobject without being authenticated, phpGW throws
>me out !

that's right. You need to be authenticated first. Later with our
ipc->authenticate function the user is switched to the user which
wants to synchronize, so that only the record of this user are visible
to this process.

>Today I'm very happy as I succeeded in syncing my phone with my php code. It's
>far from debugged and clean code, but it works for a slow sync.

Hey, good news! 

>1. what is the $source value for getallsyncitems ? It should be "./Contacs" or
>"Contacts" or "addressbook" ?

Yes, it is the source uri of the 'channel' to be synchonized. The
mapping to a valid phpGW module will be done through the table

>2. what is the mimetype value for getsyncitemfromid ?

The modules are able to export there there data in misc types. At this
place you have to use the MIME type which can be fetched from the
DevInfo record of the device. For calendar this will be something like
"text/calendar" with version 2.1 or 3.0.


Markus Kämmerer         Team Software Solutions
pro|business AG, EXPO Plaza 1, 30539 Hannover
E-Mail: address@hidden,  Phone.: 0511/60066-0
WWW:,    Mobile: 0177/5990932

           address@hidden 2004

*       Halle 1, Stand 3k4 (Magirus Deutschland GmbH)
*       Halle 1, Stand 7f2 (EMC Deutschland GmbH)
*       Halle 6, Stand D46 (Land Niedersachsen)

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