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Re: [Openexr-user] command line utilities to join tiled images?

From: Florian Kainz
Subject: Re: [Openexr-user] command line utilities to join tiled images?
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 17:21:27 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041207)

I cannot reproduce the problem on my Linux machine.  After setting
I typed "make clean; make; make check", and all tests pass.
(I've tried running "make check" repeatedly, but the program fails
to hang.)

Did you "make clean" after setting HAVE_PTHREAD to 0?

Stephen Sloan wrote:
Yes I wish I *didn't* have a machine that runs cygwin right now! But such is life. Well turning posix semaphores to 0 certainly allowed me to get much further - after changing that all the "missing and broken scan lines" tests with 0, 1, 2, 3 thread go by fine. Then the first line "using multiple threads and a shared frame buffer, num of threads:0" just hangs with the procesors chugging away - last line visible in the shell:
"channels RGBA, compression 0, writing"
I eventually just killed it and tried changing the threads to 0 as well. That gets me further but I still get a hang - this time it makes it to line 162 of testStandardAttributes.cpp:
"latitude-longitude environment map"
and then just hangs... hmmmmmm

On 8/29/06, *Florian Kainz* <address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:

    I don't have a machine where I can run cygwin right now,
    so I can only guess what might be going on.  The error
    message you are getting seems to indicate that cygwin
    is missing support for either Posix semaphores or Posix
    threads, and that OpenEXR's configure script doesn't
    recognize this.

    Please try this:

        In file config/OpenEXRConfig.h change line 15 from

            #define HAVE_POSIX_SEMAPHORES 1


            #define HAVE_POSIX_SEMAPHORES 0

        Then, without running ./configure, type

            make clean
            make check

        If this still fails, change line 7 in config/OpenEXRConfig.h from

            #define HAVE_PTHREAD 1


            #define HAVE_PTHREAD 0

        Then, without running ./configure, type

            make clean
            make check

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