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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Handling the debian files

From: Tomas Fasth
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: Handling the debian files
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 15:42:24 +0200
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Nathaniel Smith skrev:
> On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 04:08:05PM +0200, Tomas Fasth wrote:
>>Anyway, the answer to your question how we can provide "0-day"
>>packages is; pretty much like today. I still need to proof-read
>>everything I put my "stamp" on before it is uploaded to the Debian
>>archive. Since I have push access rights to the monotone repository
>>I can now maintain the Debian specific build files in the same
>>repository, which is a "good thing" (tm). I also build my official
>>"to-be-uploaded" packages in a prestine chrooted environment to make
>>sure all build and install dependencies are defined correctly.
> So it's good if I continue to add changelog entries with my name on
> them during release, for instance?

It's not ideal, I admit that. This is because the debian files is
Debian business, really. It's hard for a Debian package maintainer
to maintain a package if he/she is restrained by upstream already
providing a debian folder and use dash-digit versions in unofficial
debian package builds. It really will cause trouble for end users
sooner or later because of the version namespace conflict and
possible confusion about who's the actual maintainer and where to
send bug reports.

But I don't have a better solution, either, because I can never
commit myself to a certain timeframe, especially not a tight one,
because of my own business, my wife and kids, and also the other
Debian packages I have to maintain (hm, just a few, really).

May I suggest a compromise? You do your releases as before. But when
a new upload has been prepared for the Debian archive, could you
then replace the unofficial package files with the corresponding
official ones? Or maybe not. We could then just give the visitors a
pointer to the official Debian archive.

You still need to change your use of dash-digit debian package
version postfixes. Really. May I suggest a change to dash-zero?
Debian package version postfix always start at dash-one.

// Tomas
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