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Re: patch to display new PR number for new submissions

From: Andrew J. Gray
Subject: Re: patch to display new PR number for new submissions
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 17:25:57 +1100

> Now that 4.0 beta2 is out the door please review
> (and hopefully accept) the following patch which
> allows send-pr and "pr-edit --submit" to display
> newly created PR numbers.

Thanks for submitting that patch, I have had a look at it.

I have a concern that the changes it makes to the gnatsd command
protocol break the assumption that clients should not attempt to parse
the message strings on response lines from the server.

As I understand it the current protocol for submitting PRs goes
something like:

<- 211 Ok.
-> <PR contents>
-> <PR contents>
-> .
<- 210 PR Added.

(-> is from the client, <- is from the server)
With your changes the response from the server would be, for example:

<- 210 PR 68 Added.

I was thinking that it would be more consistent to have the server

<- 351-The added PR number is:
<- 350 68

What do you think? Can you see problems with implementing the "return
PR number to submitter" functionality in the way I am suggesting?

I try to code modifications to your patch along these lines.

Andrew J. Gray

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